Villas & Hotels

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15 results
Italy | Lake Garda
Gardone Riviera
Italy | Lake Garda
San Felice del Benaco
Italy | Lake Garda
Toscolano Maderno
Italy | Lake Garda
Gardone Riviera
Italy | Lake Garda
Gardone Riviera
Italy | Lake Garda
Gardone Riviera
Italy | Lake Garda
Gardone Riviera
Italy | Lake Garda
Gardone Riviera

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We advise you from Monday to Sunday from 10:00 to 19:00.

+49 (0) 89 / 370 143 40

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Firstclass Concierge

Enjoy the privacy of a villa and use the service of a 5 star hotel.

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Firstclass Cars

The villa right on the beach and mobile. Firstclass Cars cares about your car rental - with or without a chauffeur.

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Firstclass Jets

Turn your arrival and departure a great experience, avoid waiting times at airports.

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Firstclass Boats

Vacation on a private yacht is like the perfect synergy of private villa and hotel.

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